[CPSD Free Webinar]Global Consumer Products Regulations and Alternative Compliance Solutions

Jan. 18th, 2016

Sean Lee, Jolly Guo



Consumer product safety is always a high concerned topic in the global market. With the globalization of the economy, the cross country business is increasing and the regulations from different countries are also updating. For example, the EU SVHC list is always updating, but it cause industry headache for non-stoppable testing costs. The Webinar will help exporters, sourcing managers, buyers, market placers and strategy makers to understand the current global consumer product regulations and the alternative and cost-effective way of compliance.

Online Registration

Language Time & Date (GMT+8) Registration Link
English 10:00-11:00 Jan 18,2016


Topic 1: An Alternative Way to Comply with EU REACH SVHC with Half Efforts

Speaker Sean Lee

  1. Introduction of SVHC
  2. 2015 Updates of SVHC
  3. Solution comparison and FMD
  4. CPSD Services

Topic 2: A brief introduction of Consumer Product Regulations in EU, US and China

Speaker Jolly Guo

  1. GPSD and related directives
  2. CPSA and state & local regulation
  3. Introductions fo of consumer (GB 5296-2012) and recommended standard
  4. Conclusion


Sean Lee

Mr. Sean Lee is a core member of the technical team focusing on material analysis and compliance work , especially in REACH-SVHC, American CPSA, Pro 65 and so on.

Jolly Guo
Project Director

Ms Jolly Guo is a regulatory analyst with REACH regulation, K-REACH, BPR etc.  As well as consumer products regulations, eg Consumer product safety improvement act, EU GPSD as well as China Consumer product regulation (GB 5296.1-2012).Jolly specialized in the supply chain compliance, and she is very familiar with ISO 10377 (Safety)/ISO 10393 (Recall), etc.